Sharing a Passle Post on Twitter

  • Updated

Sharing your content is key in order to ensure that it gets in front of the people who really matter. Passle enables experts to easily share their content or content by a colleague at the click of a button.

Once your post has been approved and published to your firm's Blog you can easily share this to Twitter with the click of a button. 

How to share your post via Twitter: 

  1. Your notification email - Passle will notify you once your post is live via email. You can share directly from this email using the Twitter share icon
  2. The post itself - Head over to your published post on your firm's website and make use of the Twitter share icon on the top-right of your post
  3. Your Passle dashboard - When you are logged into your Passle account and in the dashboard view you are able to see your post and share directly from there by clicking the share button and then selecting the Twitter share icon
  4. Your Passle app notification - The Passle app will notify you when a new post has been published. Simply swipe open your notification and the post will open. You can then easily share using the Twitter share icon at the top of your post

To share a post to Twitter:

  1. Once the post is live, click on the Twitter share icon


  2. Passle will open Twitter and provide a short preview and the link to the post.


  3. Make any edits you would like to and once you are happy, click on the tweet button. Your post will now be shared to Twitter.


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