Welcome to the Passle service status page. Here, you will find information concerning all Passle related outages, scheduled maintenance, and general notices with real-time updates, as well as links to the status of the external third-party services that we rely on.
Having an issue that is not reported above? Please let us know.
External Services
Passle uses a variety of third-party services or APIs to provide customer support, additional functionality or statistics.
Where available we have linked to their status page. If we are made aware of a serious outage which affects the use of Passle or our ability to offer support we will report it on this page.
Text editor
Passle use CKEditor as the text editor for clients to create their posts. CKEditor also includes collaboration, track changes and comments.
Images and Featured Media
Getty Images is used to add images within your post content or as a featured media for posts.
Embedded Content
Passle uses iframely for you to easily embed rich media content into your posts. This can include podcasts, videos, forms, documents, data visualisations and more. For more information about which media content could be affected read our article Rich media content providers for marketing and BD professionals.
Enriched reporting
Passle offers enriched reporting for clients who are subscribers to the integration services listed below. The reporting applies to user-level and company or Passle-level reports.
Social Networks
Users can share their content (or other people's content) to the social networks listed below in the following ways: via notification emails, the post itself, the Passle dashboard or the Passle app. If these services are disrupted, sharing may fail.
Passle uses Campaign Monitor to create and send newsletters to your mailing lists through the Passle dashboard. If this service is unavailable, creating or sending newsletters and managing mailing lists may fail.
Zendesk provides our Customer Support help desk (Zendesk Support) and our Knowledge Base (Zendesk Guide).
Pendo is the name of the third-party service we use to power our support options found within the Passle dashboard (accessed via the icon found in the bottom right of your Passle dashboard), offering users quick links to Passle features, our Knowledge Base and checklists.
Passle uses Cloudflare as the captcha (robot) verification method when clients login to Passle