10 May 2024 - 3.1.2 (Anchor Steam)

Ruth Nossek
Ruth Nossek
  • Updated


An overview of our new features and key enhancements in this release.

‘Pending status’ process Enterprise

We have introduced a new process to support the publication of posts for Enterprise clients who integrate content generated using Passle with their company website (by syncing the data with their CMS).

When a post is approved and submitted for publication, your post will now enter a 'pending' status. The data is synced with your company website. Once this data syncing has been confirmed, the post status is updated to 'Live’ on your Passle dashboard. 

Publishing your post messsage.png

What do I need to do: Absolutely nothing, If you are an Enterprise client using a data sync method, the 'Pending status' process will be enabled automatically. However, we do recommend that you let your authors know about this change.

Internal monitoring dashboard for Enterprise clients Enterprise

This internal dashboard will feature real-time tracking of posts in 'pending' status (see above). This will help our team to promptly address any issues. 


An overview of other enhancements and any minor tweaks to our existing features in this release.

Addition of 'quick links' to stats post page (to increase visibility)

To increase visibility we have added quick links to individual ‘Post statistics’ in the following places:

  • Dashboard home > Team activity
  • Manage Passles > Live tab
  • Admin > Content > Posts

anchor steam - post stats.png

Added tooltips to clarify the difference in numbers to Passle and Post activity

We have updated the UI with additional tooltips to clarify the difference between how the Passle activity and Post activity views are calculated during the reporting period set.

  • On the Passle activity page you are looking at stats for the whole of the client/Passle, with the date filter restricting when the stats are from. This means that the post views are the views for all posts in the Passle in that time range.
  • On the Post activity page it shows stats for all posts published during that date range. Then, for those posts, it shows their total stats (not date-restricted).

New 'Suggested draft' badge

We've introduced a 'Suggested draft' badge to indicate when a post has been suggested by another user, enhancing visibility. Additionally, we've included a 'Suggested' label in the approval timeline, making it easier for approvers to identify posts that began as suggestions.

anchor steam - suggested.png

Warning message in Custom Design Tool (CDT) when publish button has been pressed Digital Transformation Suite

We have added a new warning message to the CDT when a user selects the ‘Publish’ button - to confirm they are happy to make their design changes 'live'. 

Set a default ‘Sort by’ option on the Team page Digital Transformation Suite

We have included a new setting in the CDT to control the default ‘Sort by’ option on the Team page.

Options available: 

  • Surname A-Z (default)
  • Activity

Setting found under Team page & avatars > Team page layout

anchor steam - team sort by.png

Updates to Daily Summary email

Based on client and internal feedback, we've revised the subject line of the Daily Summary email.

Previously, it stated 'There are X posts you have not seen,' which could be misleading as users may have already viewed the posts. Additionally, it sometimes incorrectly displayed 'There are 0 posts you have not seen' when there were other updates. We've now updated it to simply read 'Your Passle daily summary.'



A list of bugs and minor UI issues fixed in this release.

  • Fixed icons missing from 'Live approvals' dropdowns. 
  • Fixed radio group buttons that previously only worked by selecting text when choosing the folder access level in the media library. 

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